History - James Henry Ashton
Over its rich 200+ year history, Entally has played host to a range of interesting figures…
Plant of the Month - Hellebore
In the dead of winter, the only colour you’ll see in the Entally gardens is from the hellebores…
Vollie Profile - Chris Smedley
Chris is one of our newer volunteers, but she’s very quickly found her place at Entally…
History - Pony Phaeton
In the grand, two-storey Coach House, a display of historic carriages sits…
Plant of the Month - Crocus
A surprising pop of colour amongst the autumn foliage, the yellow crocus appeared suddenly overnight…
History - Margaret Hope Art
One of the most commented on artworks in the Entally Collection is the floral painting in shades of purple and white hanging in the Entrance Foyer…
Plant of the Month - Camellia
When gardeners say camellias are hardy plants, they aren’t joking…
History - Reibey Silver
In the Dining Room, when the morning sun hits it just right, a glint of silver will catch your eye…
Vollie Profile - Carol Barnett
Possibly one of the most well-known volunteers is Carol Barnett…
Plant of the Month - Dahlia
Striking and sculptural – no two words better describe the humble dahlia…
Vollie Profile - Judy Barrett
Judy Barrett has always felt a sense of belonging to the Estate…
Vollie Profile - Margaret Cunningham
Margaret is a warm, bubbly person, who seems always to be bustling around the House…
History - Entally Chapel
The quaint Entally Chapel sits on the southern side of the main House, with its traditional singled roof…
Plant of the Month - Begonia
When January comes around, you can be sure of one thing – the Entally Conservatory will be a riot of autumnal colours with our annual begonia display.
History - Broadwood & Sons
In the Drawing Room, amongst the splendour of the most opulently decorated room in the House, sits an upright, walnut piano…
Vollie Profile - Thelma Wood
Thelma Wood seems like a part of the furniture at Entally Estate…
Plant of the Month - Lavender
One of the classic English countryside flowers is the humble lavender…